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Reseñas de clientes

This was, without a doubt, an incredible climbing experience - and all because we hired Santi of SouthClimb in Barcelona. He was kind, helpful, considerate, knowledgeable, encouraging, and made this an awesome day of multi-pitch climbing at Montserrat. Highly highly highly recommend him!!!!👍🤗🤩

– Geri-Sue Jacobson

(Translated by Google) Highly recommended, they took us in a perfect environment for climbing, with other options in case it was very crowded, they taught us everything we needed to be able to be autonomous in terms of the most appropriate security techniques, practicing everything from there. first moment: go first, place the tapes well and plate, use the grigri in the safest way, make a meeting also in the safest way, and even fall and dynamization techniques. I am very grateful because they solved all my doubts and even helped me choose material!! Nice day of climbing, good people and a lot of learning! A hug to Santi and Yoel
(Original) Muy recomendable, nos llevaron en un entorno perfecto para escalar, con otras opciones por si estaba muy lleno de gente, nos enseñaron todo lo necesario para poder ser autónomo en lo que se refiere a las técnicas más adecuadas de seguridad, practicándolo todo des de el primer momento: ir de primero, colocar bien las cintaa y chapar, usar el grigri de la forma más segura, hacer una reunión también de la forma más segura, e incluso técnicas de caída y dinamización. Estoy muy agradecida porque resolvieron todas mis dudas e incluso me ayudaron a elegir material!! Día agradable de escalada, buena gente y mucho aprendizaje!! Un abrazo a Santi y Yoel

– Suc De Llimona

(Translated by Google) Highly recommended. The explanations were clear, you learn very quickly and the place is perfect for beginners. The day flies by! 👏🏼👏🏼😊😊
(Original) Muy recomendable. Las explicaciones fueron claras, aprendes muy rápido y el lugar es perfecto para principiantes. El día se pasa volando! 👏🏼👏🏼😊😊

– Aitor Amores

(Translated by Google) A great climbing teacher, a great mountaineer who transmits everything related to mountain activities very well.
(Original) Un grandísimo profesor de escalada, un gran montañero que transmite muy bién todo lo relacionado con las actividades de montaña..

– Carlos Pitarch Francisco

(Translated by Google) Excellent experience
(Original)Excelente experiencia

– ima tabb

(Translated by Google) I did the introductory climbing course and the experience was very rewarding. With no knowledge of climbing I felt accompanied and safe at all times. Santi is a great teacher and you can see both his passion and his involvement. Very motivational and understanding. Totally recommended even for people without knowledge or practice.
(Original) Hice el curso de iniciación a la escalada y la experiencia fué muy gratificante. Con nulos conocimientos de escalada me sentí en todo momento acompañado y seguro. Santi es un gran profesor y se le nota tanto la pasión como la implicación. Muy motivacional y comprensivo. Totalmente recomendable hasta para gente sin conocimientos ni práctica.

– Ulises Martínez

(Translated by Google) 100% recommendable. I signed up for the climbing fear management course and the experience has been entirely positive. In addition to the psychological part, we also work on more technical and practical aspects that I am sure will help me progress as a climber. Santi is an attentive and kind teacher who transmits experience in each of his actions. A luxury to learn from him.
(Original) 100% recomendable. Me apunté al curso de gestión del miedo en la escalada y la experiencia ha sido del todo positiva. Además de la parte psicológica, también trabajamos aspectos más técnicos y prácticos que estoy seguro me ayudarán a progresar como escalador. Santi es un profesor atento y amable que transmite experiencia en cada una de sus acciones. Un lujo aprender de él.

– Igor Ariz

(Translated by Google) In August I climbed two long routes in the Pyrenees with Santi, "Tanger" in Collegats and the next day "El Rap del Niño" in Cavallers. A fantastic experience and the best guide to get back to climbing after a break of almost a year due to injury. 100% recommended :)
(Original) En agosto escalé con Santi dos vías largas en el Pirineo, "Tanger" en Collegats y al día siguiente "El Rap del Niño" en Cavallers. Una experiencia fantástica y el mejor guía para volver a escalar después de un parón de casi un año debido a una lesión. 100% recomendado :)

– Ivan Torres Murillo

Santi is an amazing teacher. It is very clear that he has a lot of experience and you can ask him anything about climbing amongst other things. Santi is also super friendly and easy to get along with. I would absolutely recommend the lead-climbing course I did here. It felt very professional and complete and I think it is one of the best ones you can get. Another note; Santi made awesome pictures of us :-), thank you so much for everything!

– Céline

(Translated by Google) Super good experience with a super monitor, Santi, with a lot of patience, a lot of attention and good vibes. Highly recommended.
(Original) Súper buena experiencia con un súper monitor, Santi, con mucha paciencia, mucha atención y buen rollo. Muy recomendable.

– Íngrid Giménez Rodríguez